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จัดการระบบ CDN ประเทศไทย - ดูแลจัดการความเร็ว และความปลอดภัยบนเว็บไซต์

Thaipcsupport Content Delivery Network

Thaipcsupport CDN provides access to online content from the nearest geolocation at the highest speed and quality.

Receive Content From the Nearest
Using numerous PoP sites at important traffic points all
around the world, Thaipcsupport can accurately detect the
geolocation of the users and deliver their content from the
nearest location. This significantly improves loading time.

Become More Secure

Thaipcsupport Cloud Security Solution

Thaipcsupport protects websites and their online content against cyber attacks, hacking attempts, and DDoS
attacks without requiring any extra hardware.
Moreover, Thaipcsupport offers various security solutions including data encryption, access control, and user
query management for each website.

Extensive Anycast network

Using the integrated Anycast architecture, Thaipcsupport offers the highest accuracy in user geolocation.

Webpage Auto Caching

Smart, automated caching of web pages in Thaipcsupport edge servers.

Support for TLS v1.3

The new generation of Transport Layer Security (TLS) with enhanced speed and security.

Mig Mig

Significantly increases the loading speed of dynamic content via an exclusive connection to the host server and smart detection of altered content.

Support for HTTP v2.0

The most up-to-date, fast, and secure web protocol.

Content Improvement

Rewriting, and optimizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

Image Optimization

Compression, conversion and optimization of image formats

Powerful Compression

Content compression and size reduction

Custom cache

Manage, configure, customize, and delete cached content.

Browser Cache

Setup and manage cached content in browser

Quick Malfunction Detection in the Central Server

Quick Malfunction Detection in the Central Server When an origin server is malfunctioning, Thaipcsupport smartly directs queries to other servers.

Web Socket Support

Configuring edge server connections to the origin servers via web socket

Weighting the Origin Servers

Assigning weights to the origin servers to distribute traffic load

FQDN Support in Defining Origin Servers.

Supporting domain name for integration with cloud and Pass services and IP for load balancing of the origin servers.

Unlimited Definition for Sets of Distinct Servers

Defining distinct origin servers for each part of a subdomain or URL.

HTTPS Traffic Support

Configuring the connection of edge servers to the origin servers via HTTP/HTTPS protocols or using automatic protocol detection.

Cloud security without the need for private key

ArcanCloud's OpenSesame is a solution for remote key offloading adaptable with Shaparak requirements and Iran Banking network

HSTS Support

Guaranteed mandatory HSTS usage in browsers to prevent MITM attacks.

Upload Custom Certificate

Upload custom SSL/TLS certificate or use Thaipcsupport free certificate.

Free Wildcard SSL Certificates

By issuing valid Wildcard SSL/TLS certificates compatible with all browsers for all subdomains, Thaipcsupport contributes to augmenting the cyber security.

Redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS

Safe redirection of users and pages from HTTP to HTTPS

Attack Analysis

  • Blocked traffic ratio to total traffic
  • Total Attacks
  • Attack Types
  • Geo-based report of attacks
  • The most target pages
  • Major attackers IP addresses

Traffic Analysis

  • Total traffic and saved traffic
  • Total queries and total saved queries
  • Saved storage based on optimized images
  • Saved storage based on rewriting CSS files
  • Saved storage based on rewriting JS files

User Analysis

  • Website visitors report
  • User's browser chart
  • User's OS chart
  • User's devices (PC/tablet/mobile phone/ etc.) chart

Geo Analysis

  • Upload speed comparison chart from several geolocations
  • Traffic volume world map
  • User's OS chart
  • Number of requests world map

Page Analysis

  • Analysis of redirected URLs
  • Analysis of most visited page
  • Analysis of searched keywords in search engines

Status Analysis

Status codes, and response time charts

Error analysis

Time chart and error detail

Special Rules

Flexible customization of the rules for specific URLS or subdomains

URL Rewriting

Redirecting users from one URL to another

Maintenance Page

Display maintenance page when implementing changes in design or when the origin servers are out of order

Development Status

Deactivate all caching settings and instant implementing of changes when developing or updating the website

Error Message Customization

Customization and editing all error messages in case of errors or encountering defined limitations

Performance Services

A Content Delivery Network to Reduce Page Load Time Every Time

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a shortcut that minimizes the geographic distance between your visitors and your website's server to minimize page load time and maximize your customers’ experience. When extreme performance is required to push content to your CDN servers (Akamai CDN), or enviable CDN speed is needed to deliver content quickly to your users (Cloudflare® CDN), count on Liquid Web products to deliver.

ThaiPCSupport CDN for Your Server: Enterprise Service, Global Reach

If local servers don’t get your content fast enough, you’ve already lost the battle. Sites that need to actively push content to CDN servers in a hurry need the industry-leading Akamai Intelligent Platform. With local servers in more than 120 countries, ThaiPCSupport offer enterprise-level solutions that can put your content within a single network hop of 90 percent of the world’s Internet users.

ThaiPCSupport’s expansive reach, spanning 216,000 servers in more than 120 countries*, provides an unrivaled platform for critical sites, and ThaiPCSupport is responsible for between 15 and 30 percent of all global Internet traffic. In fact, ThaiPCSupport’s servers are positioned across more than 2,000 of the world’s networks, utilizing applied mathematics and complex algorithms to monitor the Internet in real time and gather information about traffic, congestion, and trouble spots to ensure the availability, performance and security of your data as it travels.

Cloudflare® CDN for Your Site

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) can dramatically reduce page load time by serving site content from servers located close to your visitors – anywhere in the world. Cloudflare also caches and optimizes that content on their network to reduce file sizes and make the pages on your site load even faster. Liquid Web’s integration with Cloudflare allows you to set up, manage, and monitor the service directly from your server dashboard.

Cloudflare Takes Performance to the Next Level

Cloudflare’s network spans thousands of servers and grows bigger every day. Adding Cloudflare can dramatically reduce your site’s page sizes and improve page load times thanks to the service’s web content optimization and caching features. You’ll also get the benefits of load balancing, which spreads the load across the entire Cloudflare network and can help your site handle traffic spikes better.

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